Fix Your Website Or Say Goodbye To Sales

Your website tells a lot about you and your product so if your website is poorly design you are sure to loose your entire investment as you will be loosing sales by the minute. In this article I have outlined some of the common problems common to website.In the age we are today, things change fast in the Internet and so if you are to keep up with your customers and to make maximise profits as a webmaster, you must be able to design and re-design your website to reflect the message you pass to your customers. Sometimes waiting for your website designers take ages to effect this changes which you could have been able to do quietly from your home or office without having to pay lots of money to web designers and wait on the queue to get to your turn before the change can be effect. These delays result in loss of sales most of the time.There is no way I will ever buy anything from a web site that has missing images or broken links. I mean, if this webmaster doesn’t care about his web site, he probably could care less about his customers. Getting your web site to look good can sometimes be a hair-pulling experience. Even for me, and I have been making web sites for over 5 years. I can only imagine how frustrated many newbies can get. Let me share with you some of the common problems in designing a well-functioning web site. If you haven’t made these mistakes yet – trust me: you will! Keep this troubleshooting guide handy for when you need it (and save some of your hair, too!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. MISSING IMAGES ON THE PAGE 2. IMAGE LOADS VERY SLOWLY 3. IMAGE LOOKS DISTORTED 4. BROKEN LINKS 5. TEXT IS MISSING ON THE PAGE 6. VISITORS CAN’T SEE YOUR FANCY FONTS 7. TOO MUCH HORIZONTAL SCROLLING REQUIRED 8. THE TABLE IS WIDER THAN SPECIFIED 9. WEB PAGE DISPLAYS OLD LINKS AND IMAGES 10. BACKGROUND DOESN’T SHOW 11. CAN’T ACCESS YOUR HOME PAGE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PROBLEM 1: MISSING IMAGES ON THE PAGE SOLUTION: There are three things that might cause this problem. You have either forgotten to upload the image to your web server, didn’t link to it correctly, or the graphic is in invalid format. 1) Re