It´s not your lack of goals that causes a lack of success, It´s the relation between your values and your operations

Your Values determine your Motivation and Focus, and your Focus determines
your progression, results, and success.

by Kenth Bender

© 2003 Kenth Bender

It is seldom the lack of goals that causes failure, it is more often the 離婚したくない場合の奥の手 lack of connection between your values and the operations in business or in life or whatever your intentions are. Between these dimensions your motivation is floating around to and fro, and maybe you are surprised that you are not reaching a higher degree of motivation to be continued.

You shouldn’t! When your pattern goes: Values-Operations-Motivation-Focus-
Goals-Progression-Results=Success. Then, You Should be surprised!

Your first question to ask: Do the operations, businesses, services, or which ever area you intend to enter, do they agree with my values? If they don´t, quit or don´t enter that field! If they do, make your decision, enter the area, set your goals, and get started!

We have learned for hundreds of years, that when we feed our minds with
suitable thoughts, we will reach deeper, wider, and higher. Or we can begin to feel the smell of no-progression and no-success. So why is destruction and misery so dominant in our media?

Is it because of the well known cynicism, to tempt viewers, listeners and readers? Or is it actually to let us know what´s going on around the world? Is it to keep us updated with
reality? If so, why do we end up with that? Why restrict ourselves and create our own limitations?